Early 2021, I started my blog using WordPress. Quickly I realised running a MySQL server just for a simple blog with few posts is not so efficient. Then I developed the blog using Hugo with Hugo Coder theme, markdown file for my few blog posts, and generated static web pages which were balzing fast during download and render. I also created a Github pull request to the theme for Nepalese translation which is merged🚀.
Soon after I started to work on project with Next.js front-end. Then I switched the blog to Next.js, and used the existing markdown file for the blog posts. I used Page Router, Static Site Generation (SSG), getStaticProps, and getStaticPaths offered by Next.js, and packages remark and gray-matter to process markdown files and generate static files.
It's never late to learn new skills, so during the Christmas Vacation of 2022 I started to learn Vue.js, Nuxt and Tailwind CSS, and built a clone of this site. As Nuxt 3.0 just released with massive changes, and is based on Vite, Vue3 and Nitro. I used Nuxt Content to process my existing markdown file for the blog posts, and hosted on www subdomain. You can easily switch between Next and Nuxt page for all of the url in this blog by simply clicking the heart ❤️ icon at the footer.
Solving a same problem with different approach was very interesting learning experience. The most important lesson from this project is that I decided to use Tailwind CSS for all of my future project.